Alexandra Ziaka
Alexandra Ziaka is a licensed lawyer in Greece since 2018 and holds an LL.M on International Human Rights Law from Essex University, UK and an LL.M. on Public International Law from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, having graduated from both with distinction. She has worked on data protection law in different institutions allowing her to gain a multifaceted approach. More specifically, she has worked as a trainee in the Data Protection Unit of the Council of the EU, at the Hellenic Data Protection Authority and in the litigation team of the A.S. Papadimitriou law firm. She has also worked as a trainee and then as a Research Officer in the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project at the Human Rights Centre in the University of Essex. In that context she consulted the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or belief for their report on Freedom of thought dealing with issues of new technologies, while she has been involved in the organisation of various meetings and events with stakeholders. She currently works as a Research Associate of BRFAA in the context of EU funded Projects. She is also a member of Homo Digitalis, the first digital rights NGO in Greece. Her academic research is around the implications of AI and Big Data on human rights.