Coimbra University
Carla Barbosa is lawyer where she devoted her practice to the health sector, as a life sciences lawyer, namely advising several entities, in areas such as regulation (prices and reimbursement regulation, medicine legal framework, marketing authorization procedures, promotion activities, clinical trials), commercial policies, litigation and arbitration. She’s a lawyer at Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Portuguese Ligue Against Cancer).
Carla is a invited Professor at several post-graduate, masters and PHD courses – invited lecturer of the Biomedical Law Institute (Law Faculty of the University of Coimbra); Economics Faculty of the University of Coimbra; Medicine Faculty of the University of Coimbra; Pharmaceutical Faculty of the University of Coimbra; Medicine and Law Faculty of Lisbon University; Catholique University – Lisbon; etc.
She is a frequent speaker at several conferences in Portugal and abroad (Spain, France, Belgium, Nederland, Angola, Israel, Brazil, etc.); She has participated in several research projects in Portugal and abroad.
Carla is a researcher at the Biomedical Law Center and UCILER – Coimbra Law Faculty; a member of ARSCentro Ethics Committee; and a member of the Editorial Board of Lex Medicinae – Portuguese Journal of Health Law; etc..
Carla’s research focuses on Medical Law and Pharmaceutical Law.