Diana Lousa [F] is currently a Researcher at the Protein Modelling Lab, ITQB NOVA. She obtained her PhD in Biochemistry in 2013. The main goal of her current research focuses on the application of computational biophysics to develop tailor-made biopharmaceuticals against viral pathogens, such as influenza, zika, HIV and SARS-CoV-2 . She is the co-coordinator of the projects EvaMobs funded by Horizon Europe (HORIZON-HLTH-2023-DISEASE-03-04) and BioPlaTTAR funded by the La Caixa Foundation (HR22-00722). She co-authored 29 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 2 peer-reviewed book chapters and 34 oral (20 as presenter) in scientific meetings. She supervised/co-supervised 3 Postdocs, 8 PhD and 11 Master students and is the assistant-coordinator of the Master in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics of the NOVA University.